Group calendar
Learning design rules for selective oxidation catalysts from high-throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence
L. Foppa, C. Sutton, L. M Ghiringhelli, S. De, P. Löser, S. Schunk, A. Schaefer, M. Scheffler
ACS Catalysis
, 12, 4, 2223–2232 (2022)
Machine Learning Guided Synthesis of Multinary Chevrel Phase Chalcogenides
N. R. Singstock, J. C. Ortiz-Rodríguez, J. T. Perryman, C. Sutton, J. M. Velázquez, C. B. Musgrave
143, 24, 9113–9122 (2021)
Investigating the ranges of (meta)stable phase formation in (InxGa1−x)2O3: Impact of the cation coordination
C. Wouters, C. Sutton, L. M. Ghiringhelli, T. Markurt, R. Schewski, A. Hassa, H. von Wenckstern, M. Grundmann, M. Scheffler, and M. Albrecht
Physical Review Materials
4, 125001 (2020)
Identifying Domains of Applicability of Machine Learning Models for Materials Science
C Sutton,
M Boley, LM Ghiringhelli, M. Rupp, J. Vreeken, M Scheffler
Nature Communications
1-9 (2020)
Review: First-Principles Atomistic Thermodynamics and Configurational Entropy
C Sutton
and S.
Frontiers in Chemistry
Computational Discovery of Cesium Chloride Double Perovskite Optoelectronic Materials
CJ Bartel, JM Clary,
C Sutton
, D Vigil-Fowler, BR Goldsmith, AM Holder, CB Musgrave
142, 11, 5135-5145 (2020)
Crowd Sourcing Materials Science Challenges with the NOMAD 2018 Kaggle Competition
C Sutton
et al.,
npj Computational Materials
, 5, 111 (2019
New Tolerance Factor for the Prediction of Perovskite Oxides and Halides
CJ Bartel,
C Sutton
B. R. Goldsmith, R Ouyang, CB Musgrave, LM Ghiringhelli, M Scheffler
Science Advances
, 5, 2
Single, Double Electronic Excitations and Exciton Effective Conjugation Lengths in π-conjugated Systems
C Sutton
Y Yang, D Zhang, W Yang
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
, 9, 4029 (
Machine Learning for Heterogeneous Catalyst Design and Discovery
BR Goldsmith, J Esterhuizen, J-X Liu, CJ Bartel,
C Sutton
AIChe Journal
64, 2311 (2018)
Accurate treatment of charge-transfer excitations and thermally activated delayed fluorescence using the particle-particle random phase approximation
R Al-Saadon,
C Sutton
W Yang
J. Chem. Theory Comput.
, 14, 3196 (
Understanding the Effects of Electronic Polarization and Delocalization on Charge-Transport Levels in Oligoacene Systems
C Sutton
NR Tummala, T Kemper, SG Aziz, JS Sears, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
J. Chem. Phys.
146, 224705 (
Singlet Fission in Rubrene Derivatives: Impact of Molecular Packing
C Sutton
NR Tummala, D Beljonne, JL Brédas
Chem. Mater.
, 29,
2777 (2017)
Non-Covalent Intermolecular Interactions in Organic Electronic Materials: Implications for Molecular Packing and Electronic Properties
C Sutton
C Risko, JL Brédas
Chem. Mater.
28, 3-16 (
Solvent and Solvent Additive Effects on Aggregation of PCBM:
A Molecular Perspective
NR Tummala,
C Sutton
C Risko, JL Brédas
Chem. Mater.
27, 8261-8272 (2016)
Rubrene: The Interplay between Intramolecular and Intermolecular Interactions Determines the Planarization of Its Tetracene Core in the Solid State
C Sutton
MS Marshall, CD Sherrill, C Risko, JL Brédas
J. Amer. Chem. Soc
, 137, 8775-8782 (
The Impact of Exact Exchange Energy in the Description of the Electronic Structure of Organic Charge Transfer Molecular Crystals
A Fonari,
C Sutton
V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
Phys. Rev. B
90, 165205 (
Accurate Description of Torsion Potentials in Conjugated Polymers using Density Functionals with Reduced Self-interaction Error
C Sutton
T Körzdörfer, MT Gray, M Brunsfeld, RM Parrish, CD Sherrill, JS Sears, JL Brédas
J. Chem. Phys.
140, 054310 (
Towards a Robust Quantum-Chemical Description of Organic Mixed-Valence Systems
C Sutton
, T Körzdörfer, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
J. Phys. Chem. C
118, 3925
Vibration-Assisted Crystallization Improves Organic/Dielectric Interface in Organic Thin-Film Transistors
PJ Diemer, CR Lyle, Y Mei,
C Sutton
MA Loth, JE Anthony, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas, OD Jurchescu
Adv. Mater.
25, 6956 (2013) (Back cover)
Highlighted in Nature and Nature Materials.
Rubrene-Based Single-Crystal Organic Semiconductors: Synthesis, Electronic Structure, and Charge-Transport Properties
KA McGarry, W Xie,
C Sutton
C Risko, Y Wu, V Young, JL Brédas, CD Frisbie, CJ Douglas
25, 2254 (
Understanding the Density Functional Dependence of DFT-Calculated Electronic Couplings in Organic Semiconductors
C Sutton
, JS Sears, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
Phys. Chem. Lett.
4, 919
Electronic Structure of Nickel(II) and Zinc(II) Borohydrides from Spectroscopic Measurements and Computational Modeling
PJ Desrochers,
C Sutton
ML Abrams, S Ye, F Neese, J Telser, A Ozarowski, J Krzystek,
Inorg. Chem.
51, 2793
Long-Range Corrected Hybrid Functionals for π-Conjugated Systems: Dependence of the Range-Separation Parameter on Conjugation Length
T Körzdörfer, JS Sears,
C Sutton
JL Brédas
J. Chem. Phys.
, 135, 204107 (
Christopher Sutton
Faraday Weg 4-6
14195 Berlin
T: +1 501 258 40 98
E: sutton@fhi-berlin.mpg.de
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